This month we learn why everything you know about latency is (probably) wrong, how to send more effective emails, and more!
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Hi friend, 

Welcome to another issue of Postmark’s monthly newsletter, “Happy sending,” in which we bring you industry news, useful tools, and tips for sending great emails—plus the occasional update about our product and what it can do for you. 

This month you’ll hear about how to send more effective emails, why everything you know about latency is wrong, and how Postmark helped’s deliverability. There’s also a super detailed blog post you won’t want to miss from InVision’s Ben Nadel about how he’s using Postmark’s bounces API. 

Industry news and useful tools

Today’s section is curated by Alex Philipp, who is a Senior Software Engineer on the Postmark team.

Here’s what Alex recommends that you check out, and why:

  • How to write tests in Go. Unlike many popular languages, Go comes with its own testing framework. This blogpost delves into how you can use this framework with other techniques and libraries to make testing more effective.

  • Everything you know about latency is wrong. This thought-provoking article is about why the tools and methodologies you use to measure and reason about latency are likely horribly flawed. 

  • Histograms! Jack Neely gives a great in-depth overview of histograms with prometheus, the benefits and considerations of when to use them, and how they’re best used with event-based metrics.

Words of wisdom from a Postmark customer: Greg Tomasik, Co-Founder & CTO of DevITjobs

In this month’s customer interview we talked to Greg Tomasik, Co-Founder & CTO of the DevITjobs platform.

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and the work you do?

I am managing the operations & development part of DevITjobs. This includes: infra, devops, software engineering.  

How has Postmark helped you?

Postmark dramatically boosted our deliverability. The Previous provider did not care about the reputation of their IP addresses, and there was nothing we could do about it. Postmark has a stellar IP reputation + it's super easy to implement.

How are you using Postmark on your projects today?

We are using the API directly with the NodeJS client.

What advice would you give other folks in your role about implementing and managing their email?

Make sure that your emails actually get delivered. Unfortunately, that means staying alert and monitoring your infrastructure over the long run. There are simply many moving parts and it's not a "do & forget".

We love to publish our customers’ stories. Would you like to be featured next month? Fill in this quick and extremely yellow form, just like Greg did, and we’ll make it happen.

Postmark around the web

How Postmark can help you send more effective emails

Crafting emails is difficult and not for the faint of heart. This webinar dives into the techniques you should apply to your transactional emails to ensure they provide value to recipients.

Paginating the Postmark Bounces API in ColdFusion

InVision co-founder Ben Nadel continues his journey of sending millions of emails with ColdFusion! Here he talks about using Postmark’s bounce API to locate problematic email addresses from previous mailings so that he can remove them from future emails.

Cool ideas & resources from the community

This month, the Postmark community shared a ton of love from their social profiles and blogs! Here are some highlights:

Your creative uses of Postmark inspire us! If you’ve made something with Postmark, please tag us on X/Twitter or reply to this email with the details. You might see your ideas shared in a future edition ✨

Behind the scenes at Postmark 👀

Like millions of others in North America, some Postmark team members traveled to the “path of totality” to view the solar eclipse on April 8th. Eli’s family even put together some thematic snacks to celebrate the occasion, like SUNchips, MOONpies, and CapriSUNS!

Until next time, 

Happy sending 💛

Trevor | Demand Gen Marketing Lead

Postmark & DMARC Digests

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